
A simple, economical solution for static or in-motion rail weighing. Installs in just hours and provides accurate, dependable weighments at a fraction of the cost of other rail scale systems. Weighline has paid for itself in hundreds of installations worldwide by preventing both underloads and overloads of rail cars.

  1. Features
  2. Specifications
    Standard Static ConfigurationRail type: 115 lb AREMA (consult factory for other sizes)
    Rail length: 70” (1.78 m) Active weighing length per section: 8” (20 cm)
    Mounting*: Direct to existing ties and ballast
    Type of weighing: Two draft or full draft
    Number of Weighline sections: Two draft – four, Full draft – eight
    Maximum axle load: 80,000 lb (40,000 kg)
    Maximum car weight: 320,000 lb (160,000 kg)
    Scale division size: 100 lb (50 kg), switchable to 20 lb (10 kg) for calibration
    Static accuracy**: Full draft: ±0.25% or ±200 lb (100 kg), whichever is greater
    Two draft: ±0.4% or ±300 lb (150 kg), whichever is greater
    Instrumentation:Avery Weigh-Tronix Model E1310 Indicator with
    Weighline program
    Operating temperature range: -20° F to 120° F (-28° C to 49° C)
    Temperature compensation: Span and zero
    Weight: 230 lb (105 kg) per rail assembly
    In-Motion Low-Speed Systems
    Speed: Maximum 1 mph (1.6 km/h)
    Accuracy**: 0.5% or ±400 lb, whichever is greater
    Rail Sections: Four
    Instrumentation: Model E1310 Indicator/Controller
    up to 1 mph.
    Wheel Detectors: Two, non-contacting proximity switches.
    In-Motion Medium & High-Speed Systems
    Multiple Weigh line sections welded into position.
    Speeds: Up to 35 mph (56 km/h)
    Instrumentation: TSR-4000 high speed, full feature, in-motion controller Consult factory for specific applications
  3. Options

    Non-standard rail sizes: 20 lb/yd – 175 lb/yd
    Weigh line section capacities: 5,000 lb to 125,000 lb
    Scale capacities: 20,000 lb to 1,000,000 lb
    Multiple Weigh line sections: Consult factory for specifications for different size and specialised rail cars.

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