Survivor ATV Portable Truck Scale


The SURVIVOR ATV truck scale contains all of the benefits of the SURVIVOR line: durability, longevity and consistency, all with the added feature of portability.
Give us a call ( Scale Rental Company ) today to discuss scale calibration,truck scale rental, truck scale installation and other scale rental options! 972-287-0101.

  1. Features
    • Top access to load cells and junction box
    • 75,000 lb load cells and pre-assembled G-Force™ mounts
    • NTEP Certified 02-003
    • 100,000 lb Concentrated Load Capacity (CLC)
    • 100,000 lb Dual Tandem Axle (DTA)
    • Up to 270,000 lb full scale capacity
    • Bolt-on backfill ramp bulkheads (removable for concrete approaches)
    • End clean out
    • Three standard widths: 10 ft, 11 ft and 12 ft(available up to 16.5 ft, NTEP Certified)
  2. Specifications

    Load Cells and Mount Assemblies
    75,000 lb capacity; G-Force™ patented self-checking mounting system, top access to load cells

    Full-Scale Capacity:
    Up to 270,000 lb

    Concentrated Load Capacity (CLC):
    100,000 lb

    Dual Tandem Axle (DTA):
    100,000 lb

    NTEP Certified per H-44, Class IIIL, 02-003 Measurement Canada AM-5413

    Five-year limited warranty on the weighbridge; Five-year parts warranty, including lightning protection

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