RLP Rail Scale


RLP has a modular, low profile design which allows it to be installed above ground. This reduces the time and expense of installation compared to traditional deep pit scales.

  1. Features

    Low installation cost – The pitless design minimizes excavation and simplifies the foundation, resulting in much lower labor and material costs.
    Simple pitless design – Just 16 anchors in weighbridge foundation. Above grade installation ensures good ventilation, eliminates the need for sump pumps and reduces corrosion.
    Advanced Modular Construction – A single module has a weigh rail length of 12’6” (3.8 m). Two modules give a weigh rail length of 26’ (7.92 m). Standard version with exposed rail or flush deck version available.
    Extra capacity load cells – 130,000 lb, NTEP approved, compression load cells provide 30% more capacity.
    Self-aligning – Rocker pin assembly ensures even and consistent weight application to the load cells.
    Low maintenance – All nuts and bolts are accessible without removing the weighbridge. Load cells are mounted to the main beams keeping mounting bolts away from dirt and moisture.
    Rigid checking – Heavy duty checking system stabilizes the scale and reduces wear or damage that can be caused by excessive weighbridge movement. It also reduces stability problems associated with weighing liquids.
    Higher dead load – The concrete filled weighbridge increases the preload on the load cells and provides a non-slip surface between rails.
    Accommodates different sizes – Heavy duty, two part, adjustable rail clips accommodate 115 lb rails providing convenient and precise rail alignment. Other sizes available upon request.
    Load cell protection – Steel covers protect load cells from
    accidental damage and environment.

  2. Specifications
    Live Rail Length Combined
    Model No. 1st Module 2nd Module Nominal Cap.
    RPL 12 12’-6” none 85 Ton
    RPL 12-12 12’-6” 12’-6” 170 Ton
    RPL 12-26 12’-6” 26’ 200 Ton
    RPL 26-26 26’ 26’ 230 Ton

    Sectional capacity: 85 Tons
    Design criteria: AREMA, Cooper E-80 loading requirements
    Load cells: 130,000 lb capacity (each)
    Stainless steel, hermetically sealed, compression load cell
    Approvals:Legal for Trade: NTEP Class IIIL at 8,000 divisions Certificate of Conformance #96-071

  3. Options
    • Rail plates, rail clips, bolts, washers and anti-creep bars for
    • approaches and intermediate section
    • Shallow pit installation
    • Weight indicators
    • Scoreboard displays
    • Anti-sloshing software for rapid weighing tank cars
    • Surge voltage protection
    • Printers
    • Cut-off controls

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