Laser Light Series


For applications both indoors and out, the LaserLight M-Series messaging remote display vividly displays or scrolls alphanumeric messages with bright red 2.75 in characters.

  1. Features

    • Available with 8- and 12-character display
    • 2.75 in high-intensity red character (discrete LED)
    • Four annunciators for gross, net, lb, kg
    • Auto Learn mode of communication protocols
    • Display messages scroll, slide and flash
    • Hold a displayed weight (demand input)
    • Software selectable standstill mode, no updates while in motion
    • Software configuration menu
    • Durable weather-tight enclosure
    • Adjustable daylight/night intensity
    • Non-glare contrast filtered lens
    • Mirror function
    • RS-232, 20mA and RS-485 communications
    • Auto-sensing 115/230 VAC power supply
    • Porous polyethylene breather vent

  2. Specifications

    2.75 in a digit; 5 x 7 dot matrix using discrete oval precision optical performance red LED lamps
    Contrast-enhanced optical filtering lens
    1- or 2-place decimal or comma indication
    4 annunciators for GR, NT, lb, kg
    Input Interface:
    RS-232, RS-485, 20 mA current loop (active or passive, switch selectable)
    Maximum Viewing Distance:
    150 ft (50 m)
    Output Interface:
    Independently configurable echo out port, RS-232 or 20 mA current loop (active or passive, switch selectable)

    Input Data Format:
    Baud Rate: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, and 19200 self-learning or
    software selectable
    Character Format: 7 or 8 data bits; even, odd, or no parity; 1 or 2 stop bits, self-learning or software selectable
    Continuous or out-of-motion only; software selectable
    Power Consumption:
    8-character: 21 watt
    12-character: 27 watt
    Time Option:
    Software enable/disable, 12- or 24-hour format
    Date Option:
    Software enable/disable, the US or ISO format

    Temperature Option:
    Software selectable °F or °C, temperature probe automatically detected
    Weatherproof, mild steel, powder coated
    8-character:16 lb (7 kg)
    12-character: 22 lb (10 kg)
    Operating Temperature Range:
    -40°F to 120°F (-40°C to 48.8°C)
    Two-year limited warranty
    UL/cUL on specific part numbers

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