
The ITCM suspension kit weighs module incorporates clevis and unique rod-end ball joint assemblies to reduce the overall length to less than half of the traditional tension cell mounts, while providing correct load alignment.
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  1. Features
    • Capacities (per module): 100-20,000 lb (45.4-9071.1 kg)
    • Clevis mounts with nylon insulating washers
    • PTFE-lined rod-end ball joints
    • A load cell is completely isolated from stray currents*
    • Grounding strap provides an alternative path to ground
    • Complete package for ease of installation
    • Provides correct load cell loading even in difficult installations
    • Lower overall height compared to other isolated tension assemblies
    • Zinc-plated clevis assemblies
    • Excluding 20,000 lb (9071.9 kg) capacity
  2. Specifications

    • Complete kit including mounts, load cells, NEMA 4X stainless
    steel junction box and load cell cable
    • Assembly, less load cell
    • Stainless steel load cells and hardware
    • Stainless steel hermetically sealed load cells and hardware


    • Suspended hoppers and tanks
    • Mechanical scale conversions
    • Use as a single module or in multiples
  3. Get a Quote
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