BMC Heavy Duty Concrete Deck


The BridgeMont Heavy Duty Concrete Deck Truck Scale is an outstanding design that incorporates the most advanced engineering and production technology. It is a scale for the majority of users, the people who require a scale they can depend on, day in and day out. The BMC is fully assembled at the factory, so when it arrives at the job site, it is ready for the concrete to be poured without other hidden costs or requirements for additional material and labor as found with many competitive models.

Give us a call ( Scale Company ) today to discuss scale calibration,truck scale rental, truck scale installation and other scale rental options! 972-287-0101.

  1. Features

    Gross Capacity: With a capacity up to 135 tons, this scale can handle a wide range of trucks and configurations.
    Platform Lengths: Platform lengths from 10′ to 150′; assuring each customer the right size for the application.
    Platform Widths: Standard widths of 10’, 11’, 12’ and all the way up to 15’ to fit a range of applications and existing foundations.
    Concentrated Load Capacity (CLC): At 45 tons, the BMC Truck Scale is comparable to other product costing thousands more.
    “r” Factor: With an “r” Factor of 2.65, the BMC can handle more than 2.5 times the legal highway load limit of 34,000 lb.
    Module Size: At 10′, 12′, 20′, 23.5′, and 25′; the BMC uses fewer load sensors, only 8 on a typical 70′ scale, compared to 10 or more on
    competitive models.
    Weighbridge Thickness: At 10.125″ thick, the BMC Truck Scale provides a lower profile, compact and structurally superior design.
    Elevation Profile: At 14″, the compact, eficient design of the BMC minimizes approach and exit requirements, and provides the user total
    confidence in integrity of the weighbridge. Additional under clearance is easily achieved with convenient base plate risers.
    Full Electronic Design: Avery Weigh-Tronix has consistently been a leader in utilizing state of the art technology in virtually every aspect of their truck scale product range
    Factory Assembled: Minimizes installation time and costs. Insures consistent product quality. No rebar or sheeting required.
    Weighbridge Design: An outstanding weighbridge design, that includes a 5” field poured concrete deck, on top of a robust steel deck substructure. This superior design places the concrete in a compression application, above the neutral axis and the steel components in a tension and compression application. This design has more steel content than most competitive models.
    Corrosion Protection: All steel surfaces are commercial blast cleaned to SSPC 6 industry standards. A high performance, high solids, two component urethane primer is applied, followed by a final coat of high quality, heavy-duty polyurethane.
    Module Installation: The absence of grout plates and the drilled in place anchor bolts mean simple, low cost installation.
    Weigh Bars® Capacity of 75,000 lb for each sensor, with 200% overload safety factor.
    Weigh Bar Performance: Impervious to end, side, and torque loading conditions that can destroy conventional load cells.
    Weigh Bar Design: Produced from high quality aircraft alloy steel bar stock, that has been heat treated, quenched and tempered to resist
    corrosion. Also provides better repeatability and less hysteresis than stainless steel.
    Weigh Bar Reliability: Failure rate of only 0.31% compared with a national average of 3 to 5% on conventional load cells. Weigh Bar Protection Extremely resistant to surge voltage or lightning related problems. Strain gauges are scientifically sealed against moisture or
    corrosive elements.
    Weigh Bar Cabling: Stainless steel jacketed cables in factory installed conduit runs.
    Easi-Post Self-Checking System: Rugged Easi-Post™ suspension with self-checking design absorbs shocks and vibration from sudden starting and stopping of vehicles on scale. All components are made with hardened, stainless steel material for outstanding strength, durability, and corrosion protection. No check rods or bumper plates required.
    NEMA 4X Stainless Steel Junction Box: Compact, all stainless steel junction and summation boxes, with connector-less cables for elimination of moisture or condensation related problems. Includes Gore breather vent to equalise pressure inside and outside the box.

  2. Options & Accessories
    • Unattended Control Systems
    • Remote Displays
    • Grain Dump Modules
    • Guide Rails
    • Printers
    • Guard Posts
    • Pre-Fab Foundations
    • MI-Payload, Measurement Intelligence Software
    • SensorComm™ Digital Junction Box System Manhole Rings and Covers
      Hazardous Area Systems Indicators Multi-Platform Systems for Axle Weighing

    All platform lengths are available in a choice of widths:
    9’10.5” 11’ 12’ 13’ 14’

    LENGTH (feet) CAPACITY (tons)
    10 1 4 45
    12 1 4 45
    20 1 4 45
    24 1 4 45
    30 2 6 90
    35 2 6 90
    40 2 6 90
    47 2 6 90
    60 3 8 135
    70 3 8 135
    80 4 10 135
    93 4 10 135
    100 4 or 5 12 135
    116 5 12 135
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